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Dr. Monila Reheman and our dental team care about you and your smile, which is why we encourage you to do all you can to keep your oral health in tip-top shape. One of the main reasons why we encourage you to do so is because your oral health can be connected to other health conditions, according to research and studies. Some of the health issues it can be linked to include:

Diabetes: People with diabetes have an increased risk of falling victim to gum disease. According to researchers, this is the case because the medical condition reduces the body’s ability to resist and fight infection.

Heart disease: Heart disease and stroke oftentimes affect people who have moderate to severe gum disease. However, there is no proof that cardiovascular disease causes gum disease and vice versa. But, the risk factors for both conditions are the same, like tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, and poor nutrition.

Kidney disease: If you have kidney disease, your mouth can be affected because it can create chronic bad breath, dry mouth, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. When the kidneys aren’t working properly, the by-products of incomplete protein breakdown are released, causing foul-smelling breath.

Anxiety: Anxiety can affect your oral health in a myriad of ways. First, it can affect your immune system, which oftentimes results in your body’s inability to fight against the bacteria that create gum disease. Second, anxiety can increase your chances of grinding your teeth. This is called bruxism and it can result in chipped and fractured teeth.

To keep your oral health and overall health in pristine condition, you can take care of your smile each and every day. In order to do so, you should brush your teeth twice a day, floss your smile once a day, and rinse your mouth daily. In addition, it’s vital to visit your dentist every six months for a routine cleaning and exam.

For more information about your oral health in Madison, New Jersey, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with your dentist, please remember that you can call 973-360-9800 at your earliest convenience and talk to our Family Dentistry dental team. We are happy to help you!