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At Family Dentistry, the dental practice of Dr. Monila Reheman in Madison, New Jersey, we offer night guards for the protection of our patients who grind their teeth during their sleep. Since there is no actual “cure” for night-time teeth grinding (bruxism), wearing a night guard will save your teeth and jaws from the damaging effects of teeth grinding. This is important because over time bruxism can cause the following damage to your smile:

— Gum recession

— Increased tooth sensitivity

— Pain from grinding to the tooth’s nerve

— Teeth to flatten, fracture, loosen, and possible tooth loss

— Cause or worsen TMD (temporomandibular disorder)/TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain

— Change the appearance of your face

According to the U.K. based Bruxism Association, nearly 70% of teeth grinding during sleep stems from stress or anxiety. Other factors which contribute to bruxism include sleep apnea, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, or taking medications for sleep, depression, and anxiety.

A custom-made night made by your dentist is designed specifically to fit your bite comfortably. Custom made night guards prevent costly repair to your teeth from the damage done by bruxism. Untreated bruxism can lead to more invasive and costly treatment down the road, such as bridges, crowns, root canals, dental implants, or dentures from the wear and tear on the teeth and jaw. Often dental insurances cover some or all of the cost of custom night guards.

If you are experiencing damaging effects to your smile from chronic teeth grinding in your sleep, Dr. Monila Reheman and our team in Madison, New Jersey, are here to help. To schedule a visit with Dr. Reheman, please call us at 973-360-9800 today!