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If you feel self-conscious about your smile, you are not alone. Thousands of people each day feel self-conscious because of the flaws they have in their smile. Thankfully, here at Family Dentistry in Madison, New Jersey, our team can offer you the treatment of Invisalign® to give your teeth proper alignment in the most discreet way possible.

Invisalign is made out of very thin, clear, custom-made aligners, which makes them extremely hard to see by others. These aligners are designed to give your teeth a gentle push into their proper alignment. About every two weeks, you trade your set of aligners in for a new set until you complete your treatment.

Here are some flaws Invisalign aligners can correct in your smile:

· Overbites
· Gapped teeth
· Underbites
· Open bites
· Overly crowded teeth
· Crossbites

Invisalign is popular because of the discreteness of the system and the ease of care it takes for them. Because they are not made of metal, they simply snap on, over your teeth. This is helpful because you can take them off easily as you eat or brush your teeth. The aligners will need to be worn for at least 22 hours of the day. This will help keep your treatment time on track.

If you still have questions about Invisalign and how it can work for you, please feel free to give us a call today! Our friendly staff is always ready to take your call and help you achieve the smile you always dreamed of. So, don’t delay and call us today. It’s never too late to give yourself the healthy and beautiful smile you always wanted.